we date at the level of our self-esteem pt i

Have you ever been so down that literally all you can ask yourself is how the HELL did I get here? It is a question that cannot be avoided, it must be answered for the sake of your peace of mind. So I did just that, I searched for the answer…

an ode to new york

So I uprooted my entire life, hopped on a 6 am flight to Orlando, Florida, and kissed the concrete of New York goodbye…

my body, my story

I will not apologize for how I show up in this world, no woman should have to. It is hard enough to make it through the day without picking away at everything that already makes you, beautiful.

we date at the level of our self-esteem pt iI

If there was a bottom of the barrel I was there, and even for the state I was in I knew I deserved better than this…